Calling all Texas Aimbots Alumni
Howdy TAMU RoboMaster Alumni,
As we enter the 2023-2024 school year, we are excited to ramp up our efforts in keeping you engaged and well-informed about the team's activities. Our plan includes the release of monthly newsletters, engaging vlogs, and the initiation of an annual alumni event!
Alumni Event Information:
November 4th, 2023, 6-9PM, Texas A&M Memorial Student Center
275 Joe Routt Blvd, College Station, TX 77840
We kindly request you to take a moment and complete this Google form to RSVP for the Alumni event:
Thank you for 5 years of RoboMasters at Texas A&M!
We deeply appreciate your ongoing support and involvement. If you know any other alumni who may be interested in keeping in touch with us please forward them page!
Dominic Paone
TAMU RoboMasters President